ボルテール・ネット(Reseau Voltaire)というサイトに本日アップされたティエリー・メイサン(彼が世界で最初に9/11はアメリカとイスラエルによる自作自演のペテンであると告発した)の論評によると、今回のイスラエルの虐殺(「硬い鉛作戦」と言うようです)はイスラエル単独で行ったものではなく、エジプトとサウジとのシオニスト・トロイカ体制の下、協調して行った作戦であること、そして財政的にはアメリカではなく、サウジが支援したものであること、軍事面では今後エジプトから、エジプトやヨルダンで訓練された1万人の非正規軍がイスラエルの侵攻を受け継いでガザに侵攻する予定であるとのことです。


"Operation Lead hardened" The Israeli war is financed by Saudi Arabia

The Israeli attack against Gaza, an option is prepared for a long time.(ガザへのイスラエルの侵攻は十分な時間を掛けて準備されたものである。)  The decision to activate it was taken in response to the appointments of administration Obama.(それを実行に移す決定は、オバマ政権樹立に呼応してなされた。)   The policy changes in Washington are unfavorable to expansionist of Tel Aviv.(ワシントンにおける政局の変化は、テルアビブの拡張主義者にとって好ましくない。)  Israel has sought to force the hand of the new U.S. presidency unienne by placing a fait accompli.(イスラエルの目論みは、既成事実を作ることで米国の新政権を強引に引きずり込むことである。)  But to organize its military operation, Israel has had to rely on new military partners, Saudi Arabia and Égype who is now a paradoxical Muslim Zionist axis.(しかし、その軍事作戦を行うために、イスラエルは新しい軍事パートナであるサウジアラビアとエジプトに頼らざるを得なかった。サウジアラビアとエジプトは、今や奇妙なことにイスラム教徒・シオニスト連合である。)  Riyadh finance operations, reveals Thierry Meyssan, while Cairo is organizing paramilitaries.(ティエリー・メイサンはリヤドの財政支援とカイロの準軍事組織設立を暴いている。)

by Thierry Meyssan(ティエリー・メイサン) *

L’opération « Plomb durci » La guerre israélienne est financée par l’Arabie saoudite

Since Saturday, 27 December 2008, at 11:30 (local time), Israeli forces launched an offensive against the Gaza Strip, first air, land and also from 3 January 2009 18:30 (local time).

The Israeli authorities say they only apply to sites of Hamas and take every precaution to spare the lives of civilians.  In practice, refer to "sites of Hamas" is destroying not only the sites of this political party, but also the housing of its executives and, most importantly, all official buildings.  In other words, the current operation is to destroy any form of administration in the Gaza Strip.  Major General Dan Harel, chief of staff assistant, said: "This operation is different from previous ones.  We set the bar very high and we are moving in that direction.  We do not just knock terrorists and rocket launchers, but also the entire government of Hamas.  We are targeting official buildings, security forces, and we bear responsibility for everything that happens on the Hamas and make no distinction between its various ramifications(枝分かれ)." 
Moreover, "do everything possible to save the lives of civilians" is clear from the rhetoric and has no concrete possible with about 3 900 inhabitants per square kilometer [1], the Gaza Strip is one of the territories higher population density in the world.  It is physically impossible to achieve the targets chosen without simultaneously destroy the nearby houses.

The Israeli authorities claim to act in self defense. According to them, firing rockets have taken against the Jewish state since the unilateral(片側の) cease-fire(停戦) with Hamas, 19 December 2008.
A six-month truce(休戦) had been reached between Israel and Hamas via Egypt.  Israel had pledged(約束する) to stop the blockade(封鎖) of the Gaza Strip and Egypt had agreed to reopen the Rafah crossing, and Hamas pledged to stop firing rockets against Israel.  Hamas stopped firing rockets for months.  He said in November following a deadly Israeli incursion(襲撃).  Draft stock of the duplicity(二重性) of his interlocutors(対話者), Hamas found it unnecessary to renew an agreement one way.
The firing of rockets have been held since 2001 against Israel.  Nearly 2 500 shots were recorded in 7 years.  They killed a total of 14 Israelis until the launch of the offensive.  There were no casualties(被害者) from the end of the truce and the latest Israeli attack. 
However, the concept of self-defense requires proportionality of means, which is obviously not the case.  IDF(イスラエル防衛軍) turned sixty bombers(爆撃機) and at least 20 000 men suréquipés face of armed resistance rudimentary(未発達の) rockets and adolescents(若者) with stones.

It is currently impossible to estimate the damage and human resources.  In the tenth day of bombardment, hospitals and emergency services have counted 530 dead.  This figure does not include victims who died before the arrival of relief, whose bodies are recovered directly by families without passing through the health services.  The injured numbered in the thousands.  Lack of medication, they will not receive the necessary care and will for the most disabled.  The destruction of property, when they are considerable.

The operation was launched during the festival of Chanukah(ユダヤ教の宮清めの祭り), a day of Sabbath(安息日).  It was called 'Lead hardened "by reference to a song of Haim Nahman Bialik we intones(詠唱する) during the eight days of Chanukah.  In this way, Israel, which itself as "the Jewish state", a student at this level of national and religious cause. 
Hanukkah commemorates(祝う) the miracle of the oil to give thanks to God, the Jews who had pushed the Greeks, lit an oil lamp in the temple without taking the time to purify, but while the lamp is contained oil for a day, it burned for eight days.  By linking the current military operation in the miracle of the oil, the Israeli authorities to show their people that it is not to kill impure Palestinens.

The Israeli military has sparked protests(抗議) around the world.  The most important events took place in Turkey, where they collected 700 000.
The National Information Directorate, new propaganda organ attached to the Prime Minister, has called the various Israeli leaders to develop another argument.  "Operation Lead hardened" would be a battle in the "global war on terror" declared by the United States and supported by the Western world.  Indeed, Hamas is considered a terrorist organization by the United States, even if not formally by the European Union.  The Israeli government is trying to revive the theme of "clash of civilizations" dear to the Bush administration, while Obama administration that will take office on January 20 has clearly announced that he would abandon.

This rhetorical shift suggests the real motivations of the operation.  They are both to be found in the nature of the confrontation(対決) and the particularity of the current operation.
The logic of the Zionist movement is to take this land by ethnic cleansing(民族浄化) or, failing that, to impose a system of apartheid(人種隔離政策).  The Palestinians were herded(集められ) into reservations, on the model of South African Bantustans, currently the West Bank on the one hand, the Gaza Strip on the other.  Every 5 to 10 years, a major military operation to be deployed to break up attempts at resistance of this population.  From this perspective(観点), the "hardened Lead" is just one more massacre(大虐殺), perpetrated(犯され) by a State which enjoys full immunity(免除) for sixty years.
As revealed Haaretz, Defense Minister Ehud Barack has accepted the truce for six months for pushing Hamas fighters out of the shadows.  He used this period to the map in order to destroy the opportunity arises [2].

The vagueness of the new U.S. administration

But this process takes place during the transition period from the U.S. presidency unienne.  Since September 2008, observers predicted that Barack Obama accessed at the White House with the support of a diverse(多様な) coalition(連立) including the eco-financial complex, the Zionist movement, the generals in revolt and the supporters of the Baker-Hamilton Commission.  For my part(私としては), I announced the result as early as May.

But the coalition has no definite position on the Middle East.  The generals in revolt and the supporters of the Baker-Hamilton Commission will consider with their mentor(指導者), General Brent Scowcroft, that the United States and their armies surdéployé must limit their objectives and rebuild their forces.  They opposed a war against Iran and have instead stressed the need to enlist(得る) the help of Tehran to avoid the debacle(大失敗) in Iraq.  They deplored(いけないと思う) the attempts to reshape the Greater Middle East (ie change of borders) and call for a period of stability.  Some even advocate(主唱する) to push Syria and Iran in the Atlantic camp forcing Israel to return the Golan and to solve the Palestinian question.  They propose to compensate the states naturalising Palestinian movement and to invest massively in the territories to make them economically viable(生存可能な).  This perspective means the end of the Zionist dream of expansion as well as the end of certain Arab regimes supported so far at arm's length(ある距離を置いて) by Washington.
Meanwhile, the Zionist U.S. nationals who launched Barack Obama in politics there are only twelve years, joined by Clinton, since qu'Hillary converted to Christian Zionism and joined the Fellowhip Foundation, support pursue the project of apartheid.  Bush to Ariel Sharon and the Annapolis conference, they want to complete the transformation of bantustans Territories.  One or two Palestinian states would be recognized by the United States and its allies, but such State or States are not sovereign(主権のある).  They are private armies, their foreign policy and their finances would remain under Israeli control.  If we managed to eradicate(全滅させる) the resistance, they will eventually melt into the landscape as Indian reserves in the United States.

Worried about their future, the delegations(代表団) of Egypt, Israel and Saudi Arabia met in Egypt in September and October 2008.  According to a source of resistance to the outcome(成果) of these negotiations it was agreed that in case of adverse(不利な) developments in Washington, Israel would launch a broad military operation in Gaza, financed by Saudi Arabia, while the Egypt would enter paramilitaries(準軍事的?) in Gaza.  While many times in the past, Arab governments have left the field open to Israel, this is the first time to participate in the planning of an Israeli war, as a Muslim Zionist axis.

Informed in real time by the Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel (dual national Israeli-US intelligence officer and Israeli military) power relationships within the team Obama, the troika Israel-Egypt-Saudi Arabia was the distribution of functions.
The positions to the Secretary of State will be given to protection of Madeleine Albright and Hillary Clinton.  The two deputy secretaries of state, James Steinberg and Jacob Lew Zionists are convinced(確信されて).  The first was an editor of Obama's speech to AIPAC.
The National Security Council expires in Atlanticists worried that Israeli provocations(怒らせること) lead to a disruption(崩壊) of energy supply in the West, General Jones and Tom Donilon.  Jones, who was in charge of monitoring the Annapolis conference, has repeatedly expressed its annoyance to face Israeli escalation.
The Department of Defense remains in the hands of Robert Gates, a former deputy Scowcroft and a member of the Baker Hamilton Commission.  It is to thank the staff he inherited from Donald Rusmfeld and had been transferred as soon as it has done with two anti-manic Iranians, Secretary of the Air Force Michael Wynne and his Chief of Staff General T. Michael Moseley. Michael Moseley.  In addition, Gates has managed to impose his friend Leon Panetta, like him a member of the Baker-Hamilton Commission, to head the CIA.
In summary, the troika can always count on the diplomatic(外交上の) support of the United States, but more about its massive military aid.

Egypt, Saudi Arabia and 10 000 paramilitary Arab Israel

For the first time, an Israeli military is not funded by the United States, but by Saudi Arabia.  Riyadh paid to crush the main Sunni political movement that does not control, Hamas.  Dynasty Séoud knows she must destroy any alternative Sunni in the Middle East to remain in power.  That is why she chose the Muslim Zionism.  Egypt when it feared an extension via the Muslim Brotherhood of social revolt.
The military strategy remains unienne states, as in the 2006 war against Lebanon.  The bombings are not designed to eliminate the fighters, which I mentioned above makes no sense in urban areas, to cripple the Palestinian society as a whole.  It is the application of the theory of five circles, John A. Warden III .

In short, according to Haaretz, Ehud Olmert, Ehud Barack and Tzipi Livni made the decision of war on 18 December, ie the day before the expiry of the truce.
The National Information Directorate has organized a simulation, December 22, to develop the lies that serve to justify the massacre(大虐殺).
The operation began on December 27 so that the papacy(教皇) could interfere.  Nevertheless, Benedict XVI spoke in his Christmas message "a horizon that seems to become darker for Israelis and Palestinians."

To return to the theater.  The Israeli Air Force has prepared the ground for a ground penetration, which paves the way for Arab paramilitaries.  According to our information, about 10 000 troops(軍隊) are currently massed near Rafah.  Trained in Egypt and Jordan, they are placed under the command of the former national security adviser to Mahmoud Abbas, General Mohammed Dahlan (the man who organized the poisoning of Yasser Arafat on behalf of the Israelis, according to Documents made public two years ago).  They are called to play the role that was assigned to the militia of Elie Hobeika in Beirut when Ariel Sharon's troops surrounded the refugee(難民) camps of Sabra and Shatila.

However, the troika Zionist reluctant to launch its "dogs of war" as the military situation inside the Gaza Strip remains uncertain.  For two years, many Palestinian resistance were trained in guerrilla Hezbollah.  Although in theory lack the weapons needed for this type of warfare, it is unclear what their exact capabilities.  A defeat on the ground would be a political disaster for Israel after the defeat of its army in Lebanon in 2006, and its instructors in Georgia, in 2008.  It is always possible to quickly withdraw its tanks from Gaza, it will not withdraw the same for Arab paramilitaries.

The European Union called for a humanitarian(人道主義的な) truce(停戦).  Israel replied that it was not necessary because there was no new humanitarian crisis since the bombing began.  To demonstrate its good faith, the so-called "Jewish state" has left some enter hundreds of trucks of food aid and medical ... 1 400 000.

In each of the wars Israel has conducted in violation of international law, a diplomatic front has been organized to enable it to save time, while the United States blocked any Security Council resolution.  In 2006, it was Romano Prodi and the Rome conference.  This time, the French president, Nicolas Sarkozy, which produces entertainment.  He announced he would devote two days of his precious time to resolve a problem where others have failed for 60 years.  Leaving little doubt about its bias, Mr. Sarkozy received the first Élysée the Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, and the Saudi-Sunni leader Saad Hariri of Lebanon, and spoke by telephone with President Egyptian Hosni Mubarak, the puppet president of the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.

Thierry Meyssan

Political analyst, founder of Voltaire Network.  Last book published: The sham Effroyable 2 (remodeling the Middle East and the Israeli war against Lebanon).
